On Friday 29th January 2021, Kenyans were showered with Divine Love from Paramahamsa Sri Vishwananda. This was a very special Darshan organized for Kenya only.

Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda (fondly referred to as Guruji) is an enlightened, God-realised Master. His mission on Earth is to ‘open the hearts of mankind’. He is here to remind us all of the love of God and to show us how to experience and enjoy a uniquely personal, loving relationship with God.

As a God-realised Master and Satguru, the innate wisdom of life and living that Guruji provides is the most profound of all. He didn’t learn it; He was born with it. He is the founder of Bhakti Marga International present and operating in over 60 countries around the world

Bhakti Marga International is represented in Kenya by Bhakti Marga Kenya. Bhakti Marga is a path that Guruji has created as his platform for his teachings for the world.

The event was a mixed one, that included an on location and online Darshan. The subject of the Darshan “meeting” was “experience the blessing of divine love.”

Darshan means ‘divine sight’: the experience of seeing, and being seen by, the Divine. Receiving darshan from a God-Realised Master who lives in constant union with the Divine is a rare and very special treasure not to be missed. Given the current world situation, Guruji has decided to give everyone Online Darshans! No matter where you are in the world, you can still have your personal encounter with the Master, and experience the unconditional Love and blessing that His darshan provides.

Guruji has a unique ability to awaken the soul’s inner Light and Love, an immeasurable treasure, which helps one advance along the spiritual path.

The discussion revolved around the Bhagavad Gita and Guruji asked the Kenyan audience what they thought was the essence of Bhagwad Gita. His explanation was “it is a way to know yourself, be yourself, learn to know who you are. Because after all, if you will not get to know why you are here, how will you know what your duty (dharma) in life is.”

The Bhagavad Gita Talk was extended to a Saturday 6th February 2021 at the Karura Forest from 2:30pm to 5:00pm.

There were passionate testimonials from the members of Bhakti Marga Kenya on their personal experience of meeting Guruji and experiencing the rituals and techniques of Bhakti Marga, including the Atma Kriya Yoga Course, OM Chanting and Project Mantra. Guruji added, “you need to know your true self, the rituals are mere expressions of your love to the Master and God.”

Some of the testimonials:

“Bhakti Marga Kenya is a global community that supports and provides me with a path to unconditional love and devotion, a path of limitless possibilities.” – Pauline Amara Wanjiku (Radhapriyadasi)

“Bhakti Marga is a path to love.” – Mercy Wanjiku (Janakidasi).

Bhakti Marga is a path to divine love and is completely voluntary, being a personal experience regardless of race of religion. As He said on Friday, “my teachings are about unlimited things, and a Guru is there to remind humanity as a guide of the more important things in life.”

Guruji was grateful to all the Kenyans for their participation despite the challenging Covid-19 times and encouraged them to remain hopeful.

The Country Swami for Bhakti Marga Kenya, Swami Paranthapa also joined in to bless and participate in the discussions.